Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blue Frame Astray 2nd L WIP update

Haven't posted much on this wip, mostly cause its giving me quite the headache, primarily because of the painting required and the paint brand (I'll be avoiding Model Master Acryl like the plague from now on) I choose to work with. The blue on this kit was done in model masters acrylic French blue.  The first application was thinned too much, and pooled into the corners and away from the edges, resulting in a very blotchy look. The majority of pieces required resanding and repainting. The next problem was how weakly the paint adhered to the plastic. Masking parts often resulted in the masking tape pulling up the paint, which resulted in having to sand and paint the part, again. In several cases, even my disposable gloves caused the paint to come up. This nightmare caused several parts to be painted three, even four times. Because the paint was so weak, I resigned myself to hand painting. FYI, I'm awful at hand painting. Its not so bad on smaller pieces, like the white on the upper arms or the fingers, but larger sections, like the orange on the tactical arms, are not so great. The next problem I had is with alclads klear kote gloss. This stuff is super runny, and doesn't dry super fast, so it tends to pool at certain points, and is completely noticeable even after flat coating.
Don't get me wrong tho, the kit itself is a very nice build, the frustration revolves around paint choices and my awfulness. Anyways, here's a few pics of parts on various stages of completion.

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